Live Cam Statistics
12 months of webcam streaming statistics about our models and our partners. Find short Cam4 stats of cam performers for the last months on CamDoge.
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Cam4 Cam models spent a total of 323,697 hours streaming in Mar 2025. Time distribution is as follows:
* 323,697 hours in Public Chat
* 0 hours in Member Chat
* 0 hours in Private Chat
Congratulate cannalaxxx for spending a total of 272 hours online on CamDoge and Cam4 in Mar 2025.
Cam4 Cam models spent a total of 386,610 hours streaming in Feb 2025. Time distribution is as follows:
* 386,610 hours in Public Chat
* 0 hours in Member Chat
* 0 hours in Private Chat
Congratulate cannalaxxx for spending a total of 305 hours online on CamDoge and Cam4 in Feb 2025.